Training & Consultation

I have experience tailoring trainings and consultations for schools and other organizations on a variety of topics including mental health awareness and support and suicide prevention and intervention. I also train on a variety of topics with the Crisis and Trauma Resource Institute, develop and update workshops and webinars and write blogs on a variety of topics.

Some topics I train and consult on include:

Attachment and Families

Resilience in Children

Mental Health and Wellness

Suicide Prevention, Intervention and Postvention


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

Borderline Personality Disorder

Motivational Interviewing


Deescalating Violence

Click here for information on upcoming public and live stream workshops as well as live webinars that I am delivering through the Crisis and Trauma Resource Institute.

Contact CTRI to request a private workshop presentation for your organization.

Contact me directly to request a tailor-made training or consultation related to a variety of clinical topics.

Training & Consultation


I have experience tailoring training and consultations for schools and other organizations on a variety of topics including mental health awareness and support and suicide prevention and intervention.  I also train on a variety of topics with the Crisis and Trauma Resource Institute, develop and update workshops and webinars and write blogs on a variety of topics.

Some topics I train and consult on include: 

Attachment and Families
Resilience in Children
Mental Health and Wellness
Suicide Prevention, Intervention and Postvention
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy
Borderline Personality Disorder
Motivational Interviewing
De-escalating Violence


Click here for my upcoming public workshops with CTRI:

Public Workshop Schedule


Click here for blogs written by CTRI trainers including myself: 

Crisis and Trauma Resource Institute Blog